
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Grace Is! (Not It Will Be)

A friend of mine asked me to lead My Girls on Monday. My Girls is a gift my friend Jennifer gives us each Monday when she opens her home to whoever comes and lets God's spirit fill the room and lead us toward Him. I was planning on posting what I shared but Jennifer beat me to it and she wrote an amazing post about how God works in mysterious and personal ways.

Read her blog post here.

I desperately want my friends to know God's grace because it sets us free. It saves us from ourselves.

I posted this comment at Jennifer's blog.
Been thinking about this post, this experience, for a few days. You are right that we didn't deserve grace. We didn't. But that's the thing. It is past tense. It is out of our hands. It was finished with the cross. It's not open for debate. It is only open for receiving. That's the thing about grace. It is a gift. It is not quid pro quo. The moment we try to earn grace, or to even merit it, to even be worthy of it, we diminish our experience of it. We reject the gift. It is still there waiting to fill our lives, our souls, but it is left waiting like a wrapped present under a Christmas tree still up in June.  
Because of Christ's work on the cross, because of God's love, we are redeemed. We are His children. We are His girls. And because of Him, we are worthy. We do deserve love.
If you are reading this and it doesn't make sense, or you want to talk about it, or want to share, I would love to help you find God's grace. Because it is God's grace that has redeemed me, has redeemed my life, and has brought "beautiful things out of the dust."

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