
Friday, May 18, 2012

Five Minute Friday - Perspective

I did it once before and it was harder than I imagined, this five minute Friday thing. I am going to do it again, mostly because I love the word that was chosen this week - perspective.

So here are the rules according to the Gypsy Mama, the host of this link up:
"On Fridays over here a group of people who love to throw caution to the wind and just write gather to share what five minutes buys them. Just five minutes. Unscripted. Unedited. Real."


Perspective. I love this word because it changes my life.

Whenever I get stressed out, I try to remember. I try to look at those around me who would beg to have my little trial because what they are facing is so much harder.

Whenever I wish I had more. Whenever I look around at my tiny two bedroom condo filled with five people, four of which are boys, I remember those wished desperately that they could have a home of their own, a roof over their heads, a safe neighborhood like mine, mortgage payments that do not cause panic each month.

Whenever I am frustrated with my child, with my husband, with my God. I remember being at the funeral of my friend's daughter, taken in an instant from this world. I remember my mentor who got the dreaded phone call that her husband had a heart attack while running and that he would never be coming home. I remember all that God has done for me in my life, all the blessings and all the growth, all the people He gave me to walk with me along the way.

Whenever I am too tired. I think of my friend who has to get a blood transfusion today or my son's friend who is living in isolation after a bone marrow transplant or my friend, the mom of this boy, who has spent countless nights at the hospital struggling to sleep overcome with worry and decisions and beeping noises that disrupt.

Perspective reminds me that life could be better. It could be worse. It reminds me that I am where I am that what I am facing before me is mine to face. And it reminds me that God is walking with me just as he always has.



  1. thanks for visiting my blog!  so you are a mom of all boys as well... way to go. :)  it can feel intense to be outnumbered. 

    yes, it is a reality check to realize that we have so so much and so often we are blinded by what we don't think we have.  God is so good to us.

    my recent post: it's all about perspective

  2. Oh, Jen, this is so important, your heart so beautiful. I will be praying, friend. Thank you for writing this today.
