
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Guest Posting at Messy Marriage

I don't often write about my marriage. It is just one of those things I have chosen not to do. Mostly because it is pretty boring and when it is not, well the last thing I need is a public space to think out loud and not actually talk to my husband.

Sometimes I do write things down, for myself mostly, but a few months ago I stumbled upon the website Messy Marriage. I like what Beth is doing over there and when I saw a guest posting opportunity that matched something I had written I thought I would give the whole guest posting thing a try. I decided to share it in the hopes that someone else might understand or feel less alone in their own feelings.

Does What I Feel Really Matter? 
It started weeks ago, a quick harsh word said to me. The word itself was not harsh, I don't even remember what it was. But my body jumped up as if burned. I walked away not wanting to disrupt the event with my anger, my hurt. I must have though, with my absence, because he found me.

"I'm sorry," he said. He was, I am sure. 
He does not want to hurt me, I know. And he must have been at a loss for why I left so quickly. But I don't know what he thought, because we never really talked about it again. 

You can read the rest of this post over at Messy Marriage.

This is my first time guest posting. I'm a little nervous. I hope to see you over there.


  1. I LOVE your guest post, Jennifer. I think you reflect what so many women struggle with on a daily basis. I know I identified with your thoughts and feelings. Thanks so much for sharing so authentically and meaningfully. :)

  2. Thanks Beth! And thanks for affirming what I wrote. I often think it is just me that is broken instead of realizing that these feelings are part of relationship. It is amazing to read people connecting to something I rarely share. 
