
Saturday, September 1, 2012

From the Archives - Wonderfully Made

Life has gotten in the way of writing this week so I thought I would pull a few posts from the archives until I have time to get back to writing here.

As we start a new school year and we are again trusting our boys to new teachers, praying that each one get the right fit for him, I am reminded of how each of my boys is so very different even when they are alike.

This post is from March 2010.

This past week we celebrated Middle Man's birthday. We had a simple family celebration on his actual birthday and also an Olympic themed birthday party over the weekend with our friends. The kids had fun competing and playing a variety of games. Thankfully the rain stopped and we were able to enjoy a few events outside including a relay race and the long jump. Middle Man loves the Olympics and hopes to play on Team USA's ice hockey team one year. I think though his favorite part of the party was the closing ceremonies where we handed out gold, silver and bronze medals and then played the National Anthem. He stood so still, hand on his heart, staring at the flag. He had smile on his face and took the whole thing very seriously. Watching him in that moment reminded me yet again of what he has taught me as a mother.

If my first born taught me how to be a mom, how to cuddle and love, to chase bad dreams away, to kiss the booboos, to stay out of the way of bodily fluids coming forth and how to give a time out, Middle Man has taught me how to love him. He has taught me how very unique each child is and that each requires a different set of tools and communicates love in a very different way. Hockey Boy still loves hugs and kisses and wants to sit close to me. Middle Man started rubbing off kisses recently but will give knuckles. I have learned from Middle Man that each of my boys are who they were made to be. God made each of them which different character traits, talents and struggles. Psalm 139:13 says, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." Middle Man is not nearly a combination of his father's and my DNA, if he were, then he and his brothers would be more similar than their blue eyes. He is a child of God, a masterpiece of the Great Creator, made with a purpose and plan set in place before Middle Man was born.

From Middle Man I have learned how to love him which is much bigger and deeper than loving a child. Loving each of my boys is a different experience, no better or worse, but unique and individual. I have learned to respond to who he is and what he loves. I have found joy in watching him create treasure map after treasure map or read our Children's Dictionary with fervor. I have learned that those parts of him that frustrate me now, his completely independent spirit that does not crave affirmation but is content in who he is will serve him so well later in life. Hockey Boy is a people pleaser by nature which is something we already have to protect him from at times, his perfectionistic tendencies and his need for outside praise. Middle Man is self motivated, often self taught, and can only really be controlled by himself. Frustrating at times, especially when what we want or need him to do does not fit with his plans. He may not respond now to my look or my disapproval of what he is doing, but he also will not respond to those in the world that want to sway him off his path.

Middle Man has also taught me how precious we all are to God. Seeing God's work in creating Middle Man, I have also seen this attention to detail as a symbol of how much God loves me. I was also knit together in my mother's womb, made with a purpose. Psalm 113 continues, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

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