Can it stay well with my soul?
It is yet... I get so frustrated and angry with my kids.
I often thought that when I was right with God, when I was feeling connected to him, then it was well with my soul.
And then I heard these lyrics in my head -
"Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,Thou has taught me to say...
It is well, it is well, with my soul."
My life, my soul doesn't have to feel it but it is. It is well with my soul. Not because of what I have done but because of who I am in Christ, because of what he did. The hymn goes on to say, "My sin not in part but the whole is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more."
It is well with my soul.
The truth of this statement trumps feeling. But the truth of this statement also gives me a feeling of peace that cannot be created by my circumstances. I rest in the truth of this. I am at peace because it is well with my soul.
And then, here's the kicker, I went to find a youtube version of this song to share on my blog. I found the story of the man who wrote this hymn. You have to watch this video. It will change how you hear this song forevermore.
Horatio Spafford experienced painful loss over and over again and yet he writes, "It is well with my soul."